“Toward the sky” – for those beginning their adventure with astronomy
“Toward the sky. The “Interactive School of Astronomy” is an item aimed at all those who are at the beginning of their adventure with astronomy, but not only. Andrew Branicki’s book explains in an accessible way the most important phenomena and components of astronomical knowledge without the typical soullessness of textbooks.
„Toward the sky. Interactive school of astronomy” is a book by Andrzej Branicki, whoorego earlier publication of „With Our Own Eyes” Has turned out to be a bestseller. Branicki is a university teacher and tireless popularizer of astronomy. In his last book, he was able to clearly and lucidlyob to introduce elementary astronomical knowledge. All garnished with illustrations and stunning photographs.
Thanks to the item „Toward the sky. Interactive school of astronomy” We will learn many interesting things about astronomy. We will learn m.in., How to find planets and other objects in the night sky or how to determine the orientation of the plane of the Earth‘s orbit. We will learn about the structure of the telescopeow, methods of discovering exoplanets and the history of our cosmic environment.
„Through the unique form of presenting knowledge, the author does not teach directly. He provokes the reader to expand his knowledge through his own observations, reflections and thoughts. The search for form, is a characteristic of art, so the Author with a clear conscience can be called an artist, and his latest book a true masterpiece in the field of popularization of astronomy.” – This is how Dr. H. Hajewski wrote about Branicki’s new book. Maciej Mikolajewski -Editor-in-Chief of the bimonthly magazine Urania and Vice President of the Polish Astronomical Society.
“Andrew Branicki, a teacher and popularizer of astronomical knowledge, forces the reader to finally pick up theosł head and take a fresh look at the color of the sky and many other marvelous phenomena present in the world, which theorych in their daily running simply overlooked. The author not only helps you spot them, but also explains their nature and allows you to better understand them. A must-read for any astronomy lover – and not only” – is, in turn, an excerpt from a review of the service Nauka w Polsce PAP.
Together with the author, we invite you to an extraordinary journeyowki beyond the horizon, with ktowromish richer by new, unusual experiences. The book „Toward the sky. Interactive school of astronomy” can be purchased on the pages of PWN bookstore.